About the customer
This telecomunicacion company focuses primarily on the fixed and mobile telephony businesses, broadband services, mobile Internet connectivity and satellite television.
Customer is changing the way they work in IT, moving all their services to the cloud using the infrastructure that Amazon Web Services provides, now with this project they are going to move all the ecommerce infrastructure that actually are using on premise to the cloud for Central America area, they are going to use the actual way they are operating but when all the system work they are going to migrate to new services to improve the way they are working actually, going to the cloud give them the opportunity to improve, scale and decrease costs giving the chance to create a good customer experience to the final customer and to the It team, improving their time using it investigating and creating new services using AWS tools.
The Ecommerce that is going to migrate is for the Latin American Region. The transactions the ecommerce will be able to do are from seeing the costs for a new service, buy a phone, pay bills, see and pay internet packs, recharge minutes, ask for help and another transaction. With the AWS Services they want to prove that the change will be easy and with benefits for all the company, to motivate all the companies to go through the cloud.
Criptonube/Myappsoftware offered to migrate the customer’s ecommerce workload to AWS, when migrating all the instances/web servers, it was decided to create load balancers to be able to manage the traffic to the sites and protect the instances by adding the balancer to the front, likewise multiple VPN tunnels since it was necessary for users from each country involved in the project to be able to connect securely to their AWS infrastructure.
AWS Services implemented
AWS Certificate Manager: to manage the security certificate
Application Load Balancer: to manage the requests to the webserver and avoid the server be expose
Route 53: To manage DNS
Amazon EC2: Host web services
Amazon RDS: to host databases
Amazon S3: Store data/logs.
Amazon Cloudwatch: View usage and logs metrics.
Amazon Cloudwatch Events (EventBridge): scheduled triggers for Lambdas to create/delete AMIs and stop/start instances.
AWS IAM: To manage permissions of users and roles that manage the infrastructure.
AWS Access Analyzer: Monitor policies and roles that access the resources.
AWS Key Management Service: protect encrypted volumes.
AWS WAF: We implemented waf to secure any requests to the ecommerce. We applied rules for SQL injection
Third Party software tools used
Results and benefits
Ability to build the necessary links with a minimum capacity of 100MB per link.
Ability to generate high-load traffic for AWS, due to the number of clients they have in their portfolio, from a prepaid cell phone, to companies with links and higher loads of information.
Ability to control redirected traffic and only to AWS.
Load balancers receive an average of 8000 connections daily.
Route 53 has hosted zones with more than 150 records and some zones receive in average 6000 DNS Queries daily